As the colder weather sets in, some people can be affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Around 1 in 3 people in the UK are affected by SAD at some point and it’s this time of year that can see the highest figures. This condition can really impact on the quality of life experienced by sufferers and it is important to understand how to cope with the feelings and emotions being felt. Some people feel it is just too hard to go out when SAD is affecting them and this can then lead to other mental health issues.
But the change in the weather doesn’t have to be a bad thing and you should actually get out and enjoy it. Embrace what would normally prevent you from venturing outdoors.
Get yourself wrapped up against the wind and rain and go and explore. Who knows what you might find? This time of year sees animals preparing for winter and hiding away their food stores that will keep them alive over the coldest of months. Leaves are changing colour and falling, berries are getting to their ripest, fungi is popping up all over the place and puddles are forming everywhere. Go on, jump in a puddle.
We can’t ignore that the weather does affect us, whether that be in a positive or negative way. Most of us feel better on a bright, warm, sunny day. What we’re saying is try turning those historically negative feelings into positive ones and then reap the rewards on your mental health. Don’t look outside at a grey wet day and say “I’m not going out in that”, look at it and say “I’m going to go on an adventure”.
We’d love to hear your stories about how you have tackled something that could have been difficult and how nature has helped you. Please leave comments below.