Not only can Wild Minds support you with learning in the outdoors, but we can also offer advice and design ideas for altering the use and layout of you schools grounds in order to maximise the opportunities available to your pupils for hands-on environmental experiences. We can work with you to implement a range of habitats, growing areas, green spaces and more in order to provide cross-curricular outdoor learning opportunities for children and young people of all ages and abilities. Recent projects have included:
- Pond creation and restoration
- Living willow domes and sculpture creation
- Sensory gardens
- Mud kitchens
- “Grow your own” areas
- Habitat and mini-beast areas
- Creation of Forest School area
- Creation of community outdoor learning space
Please contact us for support with design ideas and both achievable and affordable solutions to creating more natural, green space within your school grounds.
Our consultancy is charged on an hourly basis and will never exceed 10 hours of work to design your new space.
To discuss your grounds requirements, send us an email to info@wildmindsnature.co.uk
Wild Minds offers this as consultants and cannot undertake the works required. We can support throughout the project at any stage required.