It has finally happened, we are an award winning business!! YAY!!!!!
Thursday 24th November 2022 saw us at the Athena in Leicester for the 2022 Leicestershire Promotions Tourism & Hospitality Awards.
We were shortlisted in two categories; New Tourism Business of the Year and Best Experience.
There was some excellent competition, and we weren’t sure if we would make this time, as we had received a Highly Commended Award in the 2021 competition.
But, we did it, we are an award winning business!! We won New Tourism Business of the Year 2022. It is an amazing piece of recognition for all the hard work we have put in over the last couple of years. For not giving up when a pandemic swept the world and for having the guts to go on our own. The Leisure & Hospitability sector is only part of what we do, but it is a vital market for The National Forest and we are very glad to be a part of it.
The next stage is an automatic entry into the Visit England Awards in early 2023. Keep an eye out for updates.