Key Stage 3 & 4

Set in 36 acres of mixed parkland and ancient woodland at Moira Furnace; Wild Minds offers schools an opportunity to connect with nature, themselves and each other. Our KS3 & KS4 sessions are designed to engage older pupils and ignite a love of nature that they will take with them through the rest of their lives.

Den Building & Survival Skills (2 hours)

Could you survive a night in the woods with only limited resources (or perhaps nothing at all)!? Can you make a safe and secure shelter to fit you and your friends in to keep to warm, dry and protected from the elements? Now is the time to see what you are made of – do you have the skills needed to survive!

This is an action-packed session, providing the opportunity to learning knot skills, den building techniques, key concepts of survival, map reading skills (for more in-depth orienteering, see out Woodland Wandering session) and above all, how to be a team player!

Conservation & Regeneration (2 hours)

Explore the history of Moira Furnace and Pit Prop Woods. Step back in time as we discover the secret world right beneath out feet and learn about how the site and local area have been regenerated from coal and clay pits to woodlands and areas of outstanding beauty, at the heart of the National Forest.

We will also learn about rare and protected species, conservation methods in regard to site management such as coppicing and hedge laying, as well as tree preservation and current threats to particular species and habitats.

Woodland Wellbeing

Learn all about nature as we explore the wonderful woodland, using all of our senses to connect with the natural world around us! This multi-sensory walk has everything you need to experience nature, including a surprise nature invitation at the end! Take an opportunity to allow your children to take some time to relax and find peace within the natural world, without them even realising they are doing it!

This session is a beautiful and gentle, yet fun, adventure in nature, suitable for all ages and abilities and particularly wonderful for children with SEND and/or SEMH and or complex barriers to learning. Children will be introduced to mindfulness concepts such as mindful looking and listening, meditation and T’ai chi!

The Art of Nature

Nature is full of inspiration for creativity and is wonderful resource for art! Explore a range of natural materials and techniques to create incredible works of art, some of which you can take back to school with you! As a final challenge you will create a giant piece of art as a whole group to remain in the woodland and to be enjoyed by nature itself!

Woodland Wandering

Can you and your team find the hidden clues and navigate your way around the woodland using map and orienteering skills alone!? Learn how to orientate and read a map in order to be a successful navigator, whilst ensuring your team displays the best teamwork, problem solving skills and speed at completing the task! Children will be taught how to read a map using grid references, a compass and using the features of the woodland around them to locate their position.

Supports the development of a wide range of life skills, developing resilience and confidence in working as part of a team.

Team Building Challenge (2 hours)

Mimic nature’s symbiotic relationships by working as an effective team to solve a range of puzzles and challenges using and developing a wide variety of skills. Challenges will support the development of resilience, regulation, problem solving and logical thinking, as well as patience! Put your team to the test – can you complete the Team Building Challenge!

To book, please complete our Booking Form and return it to us, by email, to